VOTE FOR . . .

Scripture Reading - Luke 19:10 KJV

For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.

In the United States of America this week promises to be of monumental value due to the election of the next President of the United States. Some people have ask us (ihlcc) about our political position concerning the candidates and we have one privately. However, because we are a public non-profit corporation (501c-3) we cannot endorse one candidate over another, although many ministers violate this guideline it doesn’t mean that they are right in doing so. We can give you some food for thought concerning this election of 2012. Such as the election is never completely about the economy because everything for the disciple of Jesus should focus on what is best for the Kingdom of God. When speaking of the Kingdom of God it always points to the people that God created and loves. The economy is generally created through the decisions of people and since the economy is the result of those decisions focusing solely upon the economic affairs would be to take your focus off God. Let us make this simple by following the teaching of Jesus in John 13:35 which states, “All men shall know you are My disciples if you love one another”. We (ihlcc) interpret this to mean that those who love others more accurately represent Jesus in this earth. This walk of love by reaching out to our fellowman to do what is in the best interest of the people as a whole is what we think every election ought to be based upon. We endorse neither Republican, Democrat or Independent as the political party of God’s Favor because that would be foolish and presumptuous. God favors only those that favor His cause to love others in the context of His Word. Currently, no political party claims to be the Church of Jesus Christ. Truly, truly it is not about a specific political party but rather it is always about the people in this earth who need to be loved by God’s grace. We (ihlcc) endorse the Word of God as the ultimate guide for what is good, truthful and just. All political parties have some good things within their doctrine but what good is a political teaching if the individuals of the party don’t walk in love with their fellowman. Yes, we choose to “vote for” God’s broad acceptance of people who call upon His Name, rather than voting against certain people with different views. Specifically, speaking we don’t condemn homosexuals because they practice a lifestyle that is contrary to God’s original purpose for a union between a man and woman. Since we are commanded by God to show His Love to all, they (the homosexuals) are included with the all and we seek them out to offer them God’s love as an alternative to condemnation and separation. Likewise, we don’t condemn people who commit the sin of abortion because we choose to love them because the Lord knows the individuals spiritual understanding way better than we do. Yes, some people choose to judge all people outside their definition of holiness as evil offenders unworthy of their mercy but we believe that position to be extreme. Modern day religious people that are judgmental remind us (ihlcc) of the Pharisees who condemned everyone outside their religious beliefs of that day and the Sadducess who separated themselves from the less affluent as they counseled for the Nation of Israel. Therefore in order to not stand as a judge and jury over the souls of men on the earth it is our (ihlcc) opinion to judge which candidate displays the most fruit of love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance because that would mean they are acting more like God. The Lord is always for the betterment of mankind so we encourage everyone to “Vote For Love” as opposed to voting against certain people groups or a particular person. Ultimately when we “vote for who will best love others” we are preaching the message of “God so loved the world”. If you can’t see the potential in every sinner to be saved then why brag about being a Christian when such behavior resembles the children of darkness in the world system. Jesus died not to debate politics but rather to wash away all our sins, so don’t forget no matter who people may “vote for” the Blood of Jesus is still the only cleansing agent to redeem mankind from an eternity in Hell. So judge righteously by accepting your commission in Christ to love one another by seeking the lost for the salvation of their soul. When “voting for” God’s Love you are automatically standing against the message of hate from the evil one. Amen!